Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why Happiness Is Important

 I believe that happiness is a significant part of the purpose of life.  Just my opinion.  And if nothing else, the experience of happiness speaks for itself – it provides fertile ground for all things good and desirable in life.  The irony of happiness is that even though it is universally touted as the one thing everyone wants, it is also denigrated by many as selfish, untrustworthy, shallow, and base.
     I understand the thinking of those who protest that focusing on happiness is trivial in a world where tragedy, heartache, hunger, and war abound.  Yet what is it that we wish for people who are living in these circumstances?  We wish for them to be safe, healthy, and happy.  The best way to move toward a world in which all human beings have the opportunity to live happily is to teach people how to live from the ongoing experience of happiness, because happy people have a profound impact on the world.
           Studies conclusively show that people who are happy make better life decisions, contribute to the lives of others, and treat their fellow human beings with respect.  I am willing to bet that these findings are corroborated by your own life experience.  Is it not true that in times when you experience your own happiness you are more patient and accepting and kind toward all? Aren’t you more willing to forgive, more likely to go the extra mile for others, and better able to deal with challenges creatively?  In fact, is there any area of your life in which you believe you would NOT function at a higher level if you were experiencing happiness on a regular basis???
     Studies indicate that the answer is an emphatic NO.  There is no area of a person’s life unaffected by happiness.  Here are just a few of the happiness effects that have been documented:
     Happy People are MORE:
Flexible and imaginative in their thinking
Productive in their jobs
Resilient in the face of hardship
Likely to get married
Likely to stay married
Likely to maintain strong ties to their community.
Likely to volunteer
     Happy People:
Have stronger immune systems
Are healthier
Live longer
Earn more $
     Now, don’t you think a world full of people living the attributes above would vastly improve the planet?  That is why happiness is important!

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