Saturday, September 29, 2012

Come on Let's Get Happy

No matter what you want, what you really want is happiness!  I could list for you hundreds of different goals, intentions, desires, and things for which clients have hired me to Coach them in creating or manifesting.  In every single instance the real desire was and is happiness.  Every item on that list is nothing more than a stand in for the real thing.  Happiness.  And THAT is a good news/bad news fact!

The BAD news is this: There is no thing, person, goal, intention, achievement or desire that can bring you real or lasting happiness.

The (outrageously) GOOD news is this:  Happiness is already yours.

Happiness is your birthright.  You came into the world with it.  Unfortunately, from nearly the first moment of your arrival here on the planet, you have been unconsciously learning how to cover up and bury the happiness you brought with you.  Human beings pass on to each ensuing generation the misconceptions and misunderstandings that perpetually ensure that few individuals ever find their way back to an ongoing experience of the happiness that lives inside each of us.

We are so removed from the truth of our essential happiness that most people never consider that waking up each day in joyful expectation of every moment is actually the way we are meant to live.  Instead, we settle for momentary pleasures, and brief flashes of joy or contentment.  And we pursue people, places, things, events, and achievements in an ongoing attempt at more lasting happiness.

Attaining happiness is not about getting or achieving or having anything.  It is about letting go of the beliefs and behaviors that prevent your experience of the happiness that lives inside you and always has.  Almost every human on the planet has at some moment or another experienced an unexpected or brief interlude of joy that had no direct cause.  That delicious moment was your essential happiness leaking through to the surface.

Yes, you absolutely want to pursue your dreams and aspirations and give full reign to living out the life you imagine!  We are here to expand and manifest. Life is a vast playground.  There is no limit to the number and variety of experiences a person can have in the course of a lifetime.  In fact, part of being human is the capacity to continuously enlarge the possibilities for fun, expression and experience.  That is what we are here to do.  Enjoying the playground is not the issue.  The issue is in believing that happiness is found out there in the playground, instead of understanding that happiness is what we need to bring to the playground in order to fully enjoy it.

Human beings want to be happy.  More than anything else, we want to be happy.  And as long as we look for that happiness out there in the playground, it will continue to elude us.  When we focus FIRST on uncovering the essential core of happiness from which our dreams spring, manifesting our wildest desires and expectations becomes as easy as breathing.

Happiness is the gift you give both yourself and the world.  Happiness is highly contagious (proven by scientists), and your happiness changes the world around you and every person you encounter.  ONCE YOU LIVE FROM THE STATE OF HAPPINESS, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.