Sunday, January 27, 2013

Goodness Wins in a Landslide

Today I am happy to bring you a piece on Gratitude written by another author: Ocean Robbins.  This is a fun article filled with lots of interesting research on the amazing benefits of practicing gratitude.  Please go here to read the article:

There is one flaw in the article and it is the very first paragraph.  Here is what it says: "Our world is pretty messed up. With all the violence, pollution and crazy things people do, it would be easy to turn into a grouchy old man without being either elderly or male. There's certainly no shortage of justification for disappointment and cynicism."

This is a common misperception about our world.  YES there is a lot of ugliness and suffering in our world.  But the balance sheet of good versus evil is dramatically weighted on the side of goodness.  Each and every single day billions of acts of kindness, caring and generosity are selflessly performed by human beings.  The very reason our daily lives continue the way they do is that love is more prevalent on the planet than hate, understanding and compassion are more prevalent than violence. 

This is not a trivial point.  It matters that we all understand this.  When we walk around with the doom and gloom view that the world is a stinking mess, we are less motivated to act from the goodness in ourselves.  This negative belief becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  When we get clear about the truth of the situation - that love, compassion, thoughtfulness, kindness and caring are happening all around us, every minute of the day, we begin to notice those acts and to contribute more of our own.

The lens we use to look at the world has a significant influence on the way we act.  Bad news will always be prominently broadcasted by both the news agencies and individuals.  It is the massive goodness in the world that needs to be noticed, celebrated, and remembered.  Look around you today and begin to see just how loving and kind human beings are day in and day out.  This is the truth in every part of the world.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Most Important Decision

"The most important decision we ever make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe."  Albert Einstein

Each of us is operating under one of these two beliefs - whether or not we have ever consciously contemplated the question.  Here is just a short list of how life shows up when you are operating from the belief that the universe is beneficent:

You see the good in others even when they are troubled or acting unkindly.
You laugh at life's little irritations.
When something goes not as you had planned or hoped, you look for the blessing in what showed up instead.
You seldom take yourself seriously.
You experience each day as an opportunity.
You expect success even when it has not yet arrived.
You give easily, knowing that the universe always gives back.
You greet strangers as though they are your friend already.

If you were to poll a group of people who believe the universe is kind, and another group that holds that the universe is hostile, you would find that each group has lots of proof for their position.  What you search for, you will find.  And what you expect will arrive.  What you believe you will perceive, and  that is how your reality is born.

And the universe is so generous that it always leaves the choice up to you.  And it always responds when you choose differently.

"The reason things always work out for the best is because this is actually the highest of all spiritual laws.  Any apparent exceptions are simply evidence that work is still in progress, whether or not it can be seen."  Mike Dooley

Sunday, January 13, 2013

You Will Never Know

Do you know the power of a smile freely offered, a compliment sincerely communicated, a kindness generously extended?  No.  We can never come close to estimating the influence of goodness set loose in the world, because every one of these small gifts perpetuates itself in radiating ripples of positive energy.

When you smile and offer a heartfelt "Good Morning" to a stranger, it changes them.  It increases the likelihood that they will be more welcoming to those they meet throughout the day.  When you commit small acts of kindness and generosity, the recipients are almost always compelled by the energy of your act to pass it on in some way to another.

Every single one of us has the power to change the world.  It does not require money, or large expenditures of time.  Small acts replicating themselves in widening circles of caring can change a home, a community and the world.  Every ripple you send off  manifests dividends you will never even know about.  Don't hold back!  

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Loving YOU

The last blog (1/1/13) talked about the power of letting love loose in your life.  Today I want to remind you of one very important person to include in your love fest: YOU.

Self love is as important, if not more so, than loving all others.  When you practice self love, it makes it that much easier to love the rest of the world.  So here is a reminder list:

* Think kind thoughts about yourself.
* Notice all the good things that you do and appreciate yourself for them.
* Make time to be with just you, and be wholly present with yourself.
* Do something nice for yourself.
* Laugh at yourself with love and appreciation.
* Feed yourself well.
* Put your needs first every now and then.
* Give yourself rest and sleep.
* Forgive yourself when you make mistakes.
* Take good care of your body
* Choose good friends for yourself.
* Make time to dream about what you want out of life.
* Be authentic.
* Let yourself accept the kindness of others.
* Treat yourself
* Be truthful to yourself
* Make fun time for you - do what is fun for you
* Say thank you to yourself everyday
* Love yourself in all the wonderful ways you give love to others!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

On Your Sleeve

Happy 2013.

It is a new year.  I hope it is the best one ever for each and every one of us.

There is a sure way to make it so.  Choose love.  Love is the game changer.  The answer to every question.

In every situation, every interaction, choose love.  Step around upset, disappointment, frustration, judgment, anger, and criticism.  Choose love instead.  Offer love instead.

I guarantee your world/life will blossom in ways you cannot even imagine.

AND, make sure that everyone you love, care about, or appreciate hears about it regularly.  Wear your heart on your sleeve.  Let love loose in your life and 2013 will be a year to remember!!!

Wishing you peace, joy, love, laughter, health and prosperity in 2013!!!