Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reality Rules

Do you know what reality is?  Reality is whatever already is.  One of the ways that we all step away from happiness is by arguing with reality. 

Whatever is, is exactly what should be. How do I know? Because that's the way it is. How presumptuous we are when we are constantly saying to reality: "you're wrong - this is not the way you are supposed to be." 

If it's raining and you run outside and shout, "It shouldn't be raining," how sane are you? Well, reality rules. So every time you argue with reality, you are wrong.  

This doesn't mean you have to like it. And it doesn't mean you can't endeavor to create a different reality. It just means you might want to stop wasting time talking about how things "should be," or complaining about the way things are. I'll say it again. Reality rules. (and laughs at our whining)  

Until reality becomes something else, it is exactly the way it is supposed to be. The fun part is going to the next step and asking, "Okay, what is the value in this reality, and how do I use it to create a different one?"

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